Sunday, March 13, 2011


I am too happy today. Well, I am always happy when it comes to sunday, I don't really understand why. I feel happy everytime I enter the church. I love church. I love the songs. I love God.

I have been feeling so comfortable since I found this church (Thanks to my friend who brought me there, I feel so grateful I've finally found the place where I am supposed to be). I get closer with God, I can feel it obviously.

Well, I decided to join the "change" class. I don't really understand what that class for, I just know that joining the class means you try to get a bit more closer to God. So yea, why don't I try it? I just wanna find someone who can be always with me when I am even in the worst condition, I wanna find someone who always listens to my problem and finds me the solution (although I know I should fight for myself too), I wanna have someone whom I can depend on, and I know that "someone" is God. I wanna be more closer to Him. Really.

Well, sorry for changing the topic so sudden. But I can't bear to tell you this thing. I saw him again, this time was at church just now. That guy. The guy whom I kept writing about in my blog, several times I guess, since last semester. A big-tall guy with sharp nose and the smile--kind of smile that I like.

I was astonished at the time I saw him sitting behind, not really far from me, smiling to the guy beside  him. I felt like, "Is it my eyes or... OMG, yes, it is him! It is him again!"

... Well...

Same country and same religion.

How I hope it was not just a coincidence.


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