Friday, December 24, 2010

Tomorrow is the Day

We Wish You A Merry Christmas
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
And A Happy New Year

I would like to sing this song again and again. Oh, how I love Christmas!=D
And I have a feeling that this year's christmas will be the greatest chirstmas in my entire life. Guess why! Because one of my dreams eventually come true!
I will be going to Japan! Japan, hey! JAPAN!

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I'm showing off in front of you guys. I'm just too excited since I never imagined I can step my feet there. I don't even have enough guts to imagine that someday I will be there, in Tokyo, to experience Winter, to see those unique Japanese cultures, to enjoy Mt. Fuji's view and so on. Wow Wow Wow. You know how much I love Japan and Japanese, right? Nah, now I considered myself as the luckiest person in the whole universe!
Thanks God! Thanks Mom! Thanks Dad! This is sure, more than enough =D

Wait till I come back from Japan. I can't wait to post my pics (although I know I will look fat in that winter outfit, I don't care >.<)

Have a wonderful Christmas, Minna!

Kurismasu Omedetto! Shinnen Akemashite =D

Love ya <3
Jya ne

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Live as you like

My dearest sister,

Nobody cares if you're gone. Nobody understands your feeling. You are just a doll. You don't have any right to fight for your life. I don't love you. In my opinion, you are stupid. You are not worth to live. You are the stupidest creature in the whole universe. I HATE YOU!


Everything I've just said above was not true. They were all lies. I am lying. I am a stupid liar.

The fact is : I care if you're gone and everybody does. I slightly understand your feeling because we're siblings. (I can't say I understand your whole feeling while you never understand yourself). You are not a doll. You are a human. You have right to fight for your own life. You have your life, you are the one who lives in your dream. You are God's creature. God loves you and so do I. I LOVE YOU! Mom loves you! EVERYBODY LOVES YOU! AND yes, if you're still thinking of running away from trouble using stupid shortcut, you're indeed the stupidest person in the world. I hate you for being so short-minded. You never appreciate yourself. And again, if you keep hating yourself, how can others appreciate you? You have what you want and you still think that it's not enough?

I know how it feels like, when mom compared you to others, but well, what are you afraid of? You know yourself, you are better than others. Can't you just ignore her? It's her trait. You can't blame her for being so caring of you.

Sometimes I was kind of envious when she bought you a lot of dresses. You both are same. Never appreciate what you've gotten. Please, listen to me. Please, you better want what you have rather than have what you want. You want a better mother? She wants a better daughter? Nah, isn't it just the same?

Open your eyes. See that everyone loves you. Mom loves you, even she's kinda selfish. You have been her daughter for 21 years. I thought you know the way she usually treats us. She wants the best for us.

Please go and tell her that you are so sorry, otherwise you will keep saying that you are sorry to me which is then useless, I am not your mom and she will never know that you mean to apologize if you only tell me.Yesterday was mother's day. We did not buy anything for her after all. Don't let her upset. She's your mom. And deep down there inside her heart I know how much she cares of you.

Hey, you get what I mean, don't you? =)


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas is coming soon =)

Hey, I was just coming back last night. I went to Sunway to move my stuffs to other apartment, Lagoon View. And yep, I was not mistaken. My mom did not like my room. She said the bathroom is quite dirty, The flat is messy. The kitchen is too small. Bla bla bla and bla!

Hah. I don't care since from the very beginning I know she won't like it. She is kind of  "choosy", she even said that the hotel room we stayed in Bukit Bintang was really smelly. Haiz.

I spent a lot of money to buy my CNY dresses. Okay, and I almost broke my leg because of my mom's incurable disease (shopaholic), she could not help herself not buying those beautiful clothes. We walked around the malls for more than 8 hours each day, hunting for clothes. Actually, it's normal for girls. But my mom, well, she's a bit abnormal. She's scary. You won't believe if I tell you how. Hahaha

Oh yah, Christmas is really coming soon in 4 days. Suddenly I remember a song. It's not really a Christmas song though.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that saved the wretch like me,
I was once lost, but now I'm found
was blind, but now I see

Silent. Beautiful. Sweet. Meaningful and...

The song brings back memories. I once sang this song in the Christmas celebration two years ago with guitar club team. I miss them. I miss the stage. I miss the celebration. 

Another thing, this song reminds me on someone, whose name is closely related to the song, LOL XD

Well, it's nothing. I'm just talking about nonsense. Forget it =)

Jya ne =D

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wondering... wondering and wondering

This is a short post. I'm just wondering why most of famous people died young. Pathetic.

Lady Diana died in an auto accident when she was 36 years old. Vincent Van Gogh shot himself when he was 37 years old. Marilyn Monroe died in her 36 years old caused of barbiturate overdose. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart suffered from serious illness when he reached 35 years old.


I can make more than 1 page list of famous people who died young if I want to. However, I am just wondering why life has to be so unfair.

Fame. Wealth. Pride. Satisfaction.

After having all those things above, death easily approached and snatched everything from them.

What a pity.


Saturday, December 11, 2010


God, I feel so grateful right now.

Aku nggak pernah merasa kekurangan suatu apapun dalam hidupku. Memang nggak semua yang kuinginkan bisa kudapatkan dan aku juga nggak berharap menjadi orang semanja itu, bebas meminta apapun yang mereka mau pada orang tua mereka yang kaya raya dan simsalabim, semuanya dikabulkan.

Aku menginginkan sedikit tantangan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu. Aku ingin agar aku lebih berusaha untuk mendapatkan apa yang sungguh-sungguh kuinginkan. Sayangnya belum sempat aku mengerahkan seluruh tenaga dan kerja kerasku, aku sudah mendapatkannya.

Therefore, I don't really appreciate how worthy money is.

Tapi sekarang aku mengerti, aku mengerti betapa nggak tau dirinya aku, sekaligus betapa beruntungnya aku terlahir di keluarga ini. Aku nggak punya keluarga yang kaya raya bak di sinetron-sinetron, yang rumahnya sebesar istana dan semewah hotel bintang lima. Tapi aku bangga dengan rumahku, karena aku merasa nyaman tinggal di dalamnya.

Keluargaku bukan keluarga bangsawan, mereka nggak kaya raya, tapi aku merasa tercukupi, dan bahkan ini semua lebih dari cukup. Aku nggak kelaparan, aku punya baju-baju bagus dan aku bisa memakai produk kecantikkan mahal (walau aku ragu apakah sebenarnya produk itu ada efeknya atau nggak), yang jelas, aku cukup senang hidup di dunia ini. Tanpa suatu kekurangan pun.

God, I wanna thank you for what You've given to me.

Aku nggak pernah mengecap bagaimana kemiskinan itu. That's why I don't have enough idea on how cruel the world is.

Manusia rela melakukan apa saja demi uang. Mereka mencuri, membunuh, menipu, dan lainnya demi uang, demi sesuap nasi. Aku mungkin nggak akan mengerti kenapa mereka melakukan hal-hal picik itu karena aku nggak pernah tau bagaimana kemiskinan itu, aku nggak pernah merasakan kelaparan (kelaparan dalam arti sesungguhnya) dan menderita karena nggak punya uang sepeserpun.

Pernah dengar bagaimana seseorang merampok kaca spion mobil di lampu merah kemudian menjualnya demi uang? Pernah dengar soal penculikan anak yang sering terjadi beberapa tahun lalu? Pernah dengar soal orang-orang yang mencuri minyak dari tangki minyak truk yang kebetulan sedang berada dalam kemacetan? Pernah dengar kasus pencopetan di jalan raya, dimana mereka merampas tas target dan langsung lari begitu saja, bahkan sampai ada yang ditusuk dengan pisau? Pernah dengar semua itu?

Yes, I guess you have heard about those. Were they doing crime just for fun?
Stop kidding. They want money. Money. Money and Money!

Apa mereka nggak bisa menemukan cara lain yang lebih pantas untuk mendapatkan uang demi kehidupan? Apa memang nggak ada lagi cara lain selain tindak kriminal bodoh yang akhirnya malah merugikan orang lain dan diri mereka sendiri?

Pathetic. The world is totally cruel.

Mungkin aku sok tau. Mungkin aku nggak bakal mengerti betapa sengsaranya mereka karena aku nggak pernah mengalaminya sendiri. Tapi orangtuaku pernah mengalaminya dan mereka bertahan hidup, tanpa mencuri, tanpa merampok dan tanpa merugikan orang lain. Apa nggak bisa mereka juga meneladani hal yang sama? Berapa banyak orang yang bisa berpikir waras kalau menyangkut soal uang?

Bagiku, uang itu bukan harta. Keluargaku-lah hartaku.

Karena itu, aku nggak bakal mengasihani orang-orang miskin yang nggak mau berusaha, sebaliknya aku bakal mengasihani mereka yang nggak punya keluarga. Dimana mereka mendapatkan kehangatan itu saat mereka membutuhkannya?

I feel so grateful, literally, for having my family with me. The only thing I'm afraid of, is death.

Aku takut kalau kematian itu datang sebelum aku bisa membalas semua kebaikkan mereka. Aku tau mereka nggak butuh balasan, tapi ijinkan aku, seenggaknya membahagiakan mereka walau hanya sekali. Please.

God, please, jangan pisahkan kami. Jangan biarkan seorangpun datang mengusik keluarga kami, karena mereka yang terpenting buatku. Dan kalau ada yang berani melakukannya...

I will never forgive that person. NEVER.


3 days having fun

Ohisashiburi, minna

it means, long time no see, all =D

I just went back from Medan last night after having fun for 3 days. I spent a lot of money. Watching movie, buying some books and dvds, eating delicious food and... of course now I feel guilty. Money oh money, why had you gone so fast? Well, I should learn to be thrifty a bit =(

However, I found some interesting facts there:
1. I found many cute books in Gramedia (am I too out to date, eh?) , They're science comics. Nah, how I envy those youth generations! In my era (I talk like ancient people lol), I never saw this kind of books. The science comics are all very interesting and easier to understand! Only if I'm 4-5 years younger... =D
Oh ya, I took a picture of the books =P

2. I found that actually I'm still interested in Astronomy. I enjoyed myself reading the "Stars and Constellation" science comic for almost 1 hour, while my sister was waiting desperately beside me =P

3. Heading back home around 5-6 pm is not a good idea. Too many lorry. Traffic jam. We could reach Siantar after 4-hour driving! Exhausting!

4. I found there are more public transports than the passengers. "Angkot"s always stop whenever and wherever they want to, which then they become the main cause of traffic jam.

5. Some lorries which were carrying lumbers, might cause many accidents. Sure. They just tied the lumbers at the back, not really tight, no enough safety, which then endangered the cars behind when they reached the ascending path.

Those are what I found =)

Oh ya, I've watched Rapunzel. I like it! It's a beautiful disney movie. Sweet. My kind of story. But, fairytale oh fairytale, it would never be the real life =(

Oh yes, you're right. I am a dreamer. I love day dreaming. Normal for girls I guess XD

I found interesting phrases from the movie:

"Good things come to those who wait," she said. Rapunzel's evil mother. Even if she's so evil, sometimes she could say something good lol =D

And my favorite part is when Rapunzel rebelled her mother. She said, "Every minute of my life, I will always fight."

She never gave up.

Trying was not tiring, huh?

Eventually, she reached her dream!

I wanna be like Rapunzel too. I will achieve my dream no matter how hard it will be =D
Keep fighting!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Err... No title

It's peculiar. Suddenly I remember him. The guy I saw on the shuttle bus.

The tall-big-muscular guy with dimple. I saw him five times and I could feel that there was something different. Here.

He is Indonesian. He stays in Lagoon View, he usually hangs out with his gang, 2 guys and 3 girls. I knew his name. I never stalked him. I just knew =)

I was stunned everytime we met (actually he did not even notice me, most probably he did not even know that I existed =)) But only seeing him, it's kind of pleasure for me. Weird, but sweet. The feeling.

Will I meet him again? =(
