Kata orang, keras kepala dan bodoh itu bedanya setipis kertas. Nah kalau menurutku, bodoh dan terlalu baik itu juga bedanya setipis kertas. Malah lebih tipis lagi. Setipis daun bawang mungkin? Atau setipis selada? Tunggu, yang mana yang lebih tipis ya?
Udahlah. Itu nggak penting. Aku menulis ini bukan untuk mendiskusikan ketipisan antara kertas, daun bawang dan selada. Aku menulis ini karena aku benar-benar kesal menjadi salah satu jenis orang yang kutulis di atas itu.
Keras kepala, itu memang aku. Terlalu baik, kadang aku juga begitu. Dan bodoh... Itu sifatku setiap saat. Apalagi dalam konteks situasi yang terjadi saat ini. Keras kepala jelas bukan diksi yang cocok untuk menggambarkannya. Terlalu baik juga gak mungkin, karena aku nggak terlalu sering bersikap begitu. Jadi intinya, aku bodoh.
Iya benar.
Aku bodoh.
Mungkin menurut kalian, aku ini hobi benar melebih-lebihkan masalah, membuat masalah kecil jadi serius untuk alasan yang nggak jelas. Tapi suer, bukan itu maksudku. Aku hanya nggak pernah suka memikirkan kenapa orang-orang suka banget mengingkari janjinya. Kalian harus bisa membedakan ya, membatalkan janji dengan mengingkari janji. Yang membuatku kesal itu cara mereka mengingkari janji. Apa sesulit itu memegang janji? Apa sesulit itu memenuhinya? Apa sesulit itu menjaga perasaan seseorang? Itu bukan hal yang sulit seperti halnya ikut ujian masuk universitas negeri!
Ini mungkin memang cuman janji sederhana. Tapi justru kalau seseorang bahkan nggak bisa memegang janji sesederhana ini, gimana mungkin kamu memercayainya untuk janji yang lebih besar di masa depan nantinya? Oke, kamu mungkin bakal memercayainya, itu kalau kasusnya kepalamu terbentur sejenis benda tumpul dan kamu mendadak idiot. Itu satu-satunya kemungkinan kamu bisa memercayainya lagi.
Contohnya aja, oke, ini cuman misalnya, nggak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan masalahku. Jadi misalnya aja, kamu janji makan malam dengan cowok atau cewekmu. Lalu, setelah kamu dandan habis-habisan, mengenakan pakaian terbaikmu, mencoba menenangkan hatimu yang kelewat kegirangan dan sampai ke tempat tujuan sejam lebih awal dari waktu yang dijanjikan saking gugup dan nggak sabarnya, lalu setelah kamu menunggu berjam-jam lamanya, orang yang kamu nanti-nantikan itu nggak pernah datang. Dan akhirnya, setelah kamu melahap dua piring nasi goreng, menghabiskan lima gelas orange juice, setelah tempat yang dijanjikan itu hampir tutup, dia juga gak muncul. Kalau kamu beruntung, dia bakal menelpon di saat-saat terakhir. Coba kutanya, gimana perasaanmu?
Lalu, apabila janji sekecil itu aja nggak bisa dipenuhi, apa kamu mau menerima resiko untuk memercayai janji-janji lainnya. Oke, contohnya aja kamu dilamar atau kamu melamarnya. Lalu kalian bersumpah setia untuk hidup bersama, kamu yakin dia bisa memegang janji sebesar itu, sedangkan janji sepele aja nggak bisa dia pegang?
Oke, oke. Kalian boleh bilang aku mikir kejauhan. Atau aku terlalu hiperbola. Atau aku terlalu berpikiran negative. But come on, I just reveal the truth. Coba pikir baik-baik!
Masalahku sama sekali nggak persis dengan yang kusebut di atas. Ini malah janji yang lebih sepele lagi. Kami berjanji untuk melakukan sesuatu bersama-sama. Aku menunggu mereka. Sampai bosan, sampai aku entah menguap berapa kali, sampai aku mencari kesibukkan lain dan akhirnya memutuskan keluar untuk makan. Dan bravo! They broke their promise! They left me! They're gone! They are... Jerks.
Kejadian lainnya, aku dan seseorang berjanji untuk berangkat ke suatu tempat sama-sama. Lalu aku menunggunya. Lama sekali sampai aku bolak-balik melirik ke arah jam, kami benar-benar bisa telat kalau dia nggak muncul juga. Jadi aku memutuskan menelponnya, dan tau dia bilang apa? Dia sudah pergi duluan dengan temannya yang lain dan meninggalkanku yang hampir terlambat itu sendirian!
Dan aku telat? Ya. Aku telat. Karena siapa? Karena dia? Bukan. Karena aku sendiri. Karena aku yang terlalu bodoh, begitu mudah memercayai orang lain!
Bukan hanya ini. Masih banyak lagi kejadian-kejadian lainnya yang membuatku benar-benar kesal. Apalagi yang semalam, di saat yang bersamaan, aku dibohongi, dimarahi, ditimpa kemalangan dan akhirnya kekesalan yang menumpuk itu meledak nggak karuan. Aku marah besar. Aku ngomong kasar, sekasar-kasarnya. Dan memang aku kekanak-kanakkan. Aku bukan urstad atau biksu yang sabar-sabar aja dibegitukan. Aku punya emosi. Aku bukan makhluk non ekspresi seperti biksu Takuan di novel Miyamoto. Aku nggak secuek dia. Aku nggak sedingin dia dan aku nggak... Sebijaksana dia.
Hey, aku nggak terlahir untuk dibodoh-bodohi! Aku nggak terlahir untuk jadi korban pembohong. Aku memercayai orang lain bukan untuk dikhianati. Aku memercayai orang bukan untuk disakiti! Dan kalau setelah ini aku belum jera lagi memercayai orang, oh, berarti aku betul-betul bebal!
Aku tau manusia nggak sempurna. Mereka bisa lupa pada janji yang mereka buat sendiri. Tapi kalau berkali-kali seperti ini? Kesilapan namanya? Kesalahan kecil? Kata maaf cukup?
Oh, bahkan nggak terdengar kata maaf itu, nggak terbersit pun secercah rasa bersalah. Nggak sedikit pun. Dan itu benar-benar membuatku marah besar, terluka dan meledak-ledak seperti merapi di Yogyakarta yang baru aja menyemburkan lahar panas.
Satu lagi. Aku nggak selamanya bodoh. Kalian kira aku ini apa? Bantalan tinju? Karung beras? Badut berjalan? Boneka beruang? Yang 'diapa-apain' juga gak bakal marah? Kalau cuman bercanda, aku nggak bakal marah. Sungguh. Tapi kalau dibohongi, dibodoh-bodohi, diperintah-perintah. Aku juga bukan hadiah dari kuis berhadiah. Misalnya, "Barang siapa yang berhasil ngebego-begoin Lisa akan dihadiahi mobil beserta uang tunai..."
Enak saja. Memangnya aku apa?
Jangan kira kalian bisa membodohiku. Nggak lagi. Aku nggak mau lagi jadi orang bodoh, atau jadi orang yang terlalu baik, mau aja disuruh-suruh mengerjakan peer orang lain. Kalau kalian mau, aku bisa membantu, tapi aku bakal jawab 'enggak' kalau kalian memaksaku mengerjakan seluruhnya. Itu peer kalian. Kerjakan sendiri, kecuali kalau kalian benar-benar bodoh dan nggak sanggup. Ya sudah. Berhenti bersekolah. Menikah atau jadi orang nggak berguna lainnya daripada harus menyusahkan orang lain.
Dan berhenti mengataiku sombong kalau aku nggak mau dibodohi oleh kalian. Berhenti mengolok-olokku kalau aku nggak mau di-bully oleh kalian. Kalian menyebalkan. Kalian... Rendah. Benar-benar rendah.
I quit. You win. Bravo!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Give too much
Hi, my three-month holiday will end very soon. I will go back to Sunway on 20 February 2011.
Time passed too fast. I have many things I should do, yet I don't think I have enough time to do them this holiday. *sigh
Hey, don't you guys think that my English skill is too lame? It's kinda suck. I should enrich my vocabularies. Although I had improved my English since years ago, I do feel it's still not enough. I keep using the same words and making some grammar errors. I am trying hard to improve it. But do you think you have mood to learn and study more while you are enjoying your holiday? I guess no.
By the way, my brother told me about something "important" few days ago. We were talking about friendship and love. It started when he asked me about guys. He always wants to know every guy who is close to me and asks me many questions about those guys. See, I know he worried about me, but still, do you think I would tell him? Don't be silly. No one wants to be so honest.
And he started to advise me about the friendship I have with a guy. He said, I must be careful because the possibility that the friendship would turn into a romance relationship is unspeakably huge. Many people experience it though, when best friends upgraded, and turned into lovers. I don't believe it really. I had a best friend, a guy, and now I still have him as my best friend. Okay, I dare to say, he'll always be my best friend. Forever.
Recently I found a good guy whom I could share my thoughts freely with, without feeling anxious and uncomfortable. We met in campus, which I forgot how and when. And soon, I don't know how exactly we're becoming best friends. He's always there when I need someone to listen. And how I hope I could be also the one who always listens to him while he's in trouble. Actually, he is really similar to a guy that I used to have as best friend in high school, that's why I never doubt that we will get along well and become best friends forever. Well, most probably the word "forever" is too naive and dreamy. But I like that word. The word is usually appeared in fairytale, but since I have an opinion that my life itself is my own fairytale, so why not?
But then my brother said that when friendship turned into romance, sometimes it would be very hard. You could tell your best friend everything, but sometimes when you're becoming lovers, there would be some things that you should keep for yourself alone. You could not talk as freely as you used to. And it's kinda torturing.
And I don't know why, I replied him, "But if you let me choose, I would like to have my best friend as my partner of life rather than the one I love, because the one you love the most is usually the one who hurts you the most."
Then he answered, "That's why for me love is like a war. You should not give too much, or you'll regret it someday."
"You mean, like the quotes I've ever read before? "Don't let someone become your everything, because when he/she's gone, you'll have nothing at all"?"
"Yes, exactly. When I love someone, I will never pour 100 percent of my love, all to her. Because I know when someday she leaves me, I will have nothing and regret everything. You can just pour your love, add the percentage slowly as you're getting married. Trust me because it works."
"Really? But loving someone is beyond the boundaries of our consciousness. How can you control your feeling like that? Well, your explanation is unreasonable."
"Hey, that's why I said, love is a war. You have to control your feeling. If you can't then it means, you will lose."
Now as I think about it, what he told me was unfortunately reasonable. I know, I should not love someone too deep, because when I know the fact that he would never be mine, I will be the one who gets hurt the most. And if it does happen, I will have nothing left.
Time passed too fast. I have many things I should do, yet I don't think I have enough time to do them this holiday. *sigh
Hey, don't you guys think that my English skill is too lame? It's kinda suck. I should enrich my vocabularies. Although I had improved my English since years ago, I do feel it's still not enough. I keep using the same words and making some grammar errors. I am trying hard to improve it. But do you think you have mood to learn and study more while you are enjoying your holiday? I guess no.
By the way, my brother told me about something "important" few days ago. We were talking about friendship and love. It started when he asked me about guys. He always wants to know every guy who is close to me and asks me many questions about those guys. See, I know he worried about me, but still, do you think I would tell him? Don't be silly. No one wants to be so honest.
And he started to advise me about the friendship I have with a guy. He said, I must be careful because the possibility that the friendship would turn into a romance relationship is unspeakably huge. Many people experience it though, when best friends upgraded, and turned into lovers. I don't believe it really. I had a best friend, a guy, and now I still have him as my best friend. Okay, I dare to say, he'll always be my best friend. Forever.
Recently I found a good guy whom I could share my thoughts freely with, without feeling anxious and uncomfortable. We met in campus, which I forgot how and when. And soon, I don't know how exactly we're becoming best friends. He's always there when I need someone to listen. And how I hope I could be also the one who always listens to him while he's in trouble. Actually, he is really similar to a guy that I used to have as best friend in high school, that's why I never doubt that we will get along well and become best friends forever. Well, most probably the word "forever" is too naive and dreamy. But I like that word. The word is usually appeared in fairytale, but since I have an opinion that my life itself is my own fairytale, so why not?
But then my brother said that when friendship turned into romance, sometimes it would be very hard. You could tell your best friend everything, but sometimes when you're becoming lovers, there would be some things that you should keep for yourself alone. You could not talk as freely as you used to. And it's kinda torturing.
And I don't know why, I replied him, "But if you let me choose, I would like to have my best friend as my partner of life rather than the one I love, because the one you love the most is usually the one who hurts you the most."
Then he answered, "That's why for me love is like a war. You should not give too much, or you'll regret it someday."
"You mean, like the quotes I've ever read before? "Don't let someone become your everything, because when he/she's gone, you'll have nothing at all"?"
"Yes, exactly. When I love someone, I will never pour 100 percent of my love, all to her. Because I know when someday she leaves me, I will have nothing and regret everything. You can just pour your love, add the percentage slowly as you're getting married. Trust me because it works."
"Really? But loving someone is beyond the boundaries of our consciousness. How can you control your feeling like that? Well, your explanation is unreasonable."
"Hey, that's why I said, love is a war. You have to control your feeling. If you can't then it means, you will lose."
Now as I think about it, what he told me was unfortunately reasonable. I know, I should not love someone too deep, because when I know the fact that he would never be mine, I will be the one who gets hurt the most. And if it does happen, I will have nothing left.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Still remember
Hi best friend, how do you do there? I miss you =) But I am not be able to tell you how much I miss you since you'll be so big-headed and I'm too shy to tell you so. LOL XD
Do you still remember the moments we had been through? We shared happiness and sadness together. We smiled, we laughed, we fought, we chatted, we played in the class. We were even being punished together in front of the class as long as I remember, hmm twice? third? more than that. I ever saw your tears instead of that smile, and I ever showed you mine. I love the time we spent together as best friend. I don't know you consider me as your best friend of not, but I just know that I believe you as my best friend.
You were always there when I was about to cry. You were always there to comfort me, to make me laugh even in my worst condition, although we often quarreled just because of simple mistakes. Now, we've grown up a bit I guess. We're maturer than the last time we met. I am looking forward to seeing you in these few days. I wonder how you look like. Does your hair grow longer? Are you taller now? (I hope not, since you are tall enough to always tease me "shortie")
Oh ya, still remember the song we composed together? two songs. I like the first most. Childhood's memories. You composed the song for your girlfriend and you asked me to help you compose the lyric. I still love this song so much. I play it every night before I go to sleep. Hehehe.
Do you still remember the moments we had been through? We shared happiness and sadness together. We smiled, we laughed, we fought, we chatted, we played in the class. We were even being punished together in front of the class as long as I remember, hmm twice? third? more than that. I ever saw your tears instead of that smile, and I ever showed you mine. I love the time we spent together as best friend. I don't know you consider me as your best friend of not, but I just know that I believe you as my best friend.
You were always there when I was about to cry. You were always there to comfort me, to make me laugh even in my worst condition, although we often quarreled just because of simple mistakes. Now, we've grown up a bit I guess. We're maturer than the last time we met. I am looking forward to seeing you in these few days. I wonder how you look like. Does your hair grow longer? Are you taller now? (I hope not, since you are tall enough to always tease me "shortie")
Oh ya, still remember the song we composed together? two songs. I like the first most. Childhood's memories. You composed the song for your girlfriend and you asked me to help you compose the lyric. I still love this song so much. I play it every night before I go to sleep. Hehehe.
Childhood's Memories
Friend, when I'm closing my eyes
I'm breathless, can't see
But I can feel you right in my heart
Now, as the time's passing by
You're still here, in my precious memory
Everytime I count the past we've through
Everytime I think I'm dreaming
Every moment in my life with you
I will never say goodbye
Always love to hear, peaceful melody
Present this song as my feeling
Not only a dream, our childhood's memories
Swear, it is not be goodbye
Never let you go, escape from my dream
it won't be ever an ending
When I'm blind and I'm lost on my way
You'll be with me
And I promise, I'll keep you in my heart
Sure, the future in our hands,
I wish my dream comes true
And I will let you stay in my ming
Though we'll walk on different path
You'll be here, in my precious memory
You'll always be
The one comes to my dream
I'll make it be
This never will be our last memories
(Music by: FJH, Lyric by: me =D)
Although the high school time was over and most probably we can not meet frequently, you're still my best friend, forever =D
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Stupid Anger
It's quite been a long time. I have never been this angry because of some stupid reasons.
I was busy composing music and playing piano (I got inspiration suddenly, I just could not wait to write the notes before they flew away) when my mom and sis disturbed me. They were quarreling about something, I did not really pay attention.
For you who know me well, you will know that I really hate disturbance. I hate people interfering me when I am really serious doing something.
I tried to concentrate although they were seriously noisy. Till finally my mom went upstairs and I could not hear her voice anymore. What a good thing! But then my sis came and kept scolding me for what I have never done before. She kept complaining on everything, shouting to me and setting those ugly expressions which then made my anger exploded. I was like, "what the hell are you talking about, I don't even know what you guys fight for, and now she's blaming me! Hell yah! And stop showing me your sullen face!"
Maybe I should control my emotion that time. But who would not be furious if you're doing something important (for me yea), but then someone interrupted you until you forgot all the things that you had arranged well in your head?!
The notes flew away and so did the lyric. Then, one two three... I scolded her back and the fight ruptured there.
My dad suddenly came. We were scolded again and of course I felt unhappy and upset. It's not my fault okay? Not even a single mistake had I done. Sucks.
I should not have been there while they were quarreling. I was too unlucky! Can you give me back my inspiration?! Hell ya!
I was busy composing music and playing piano (I got inspiration suddenly, I just could not wait to write the notes before they flew away) when my mom and sis disturbed me. They were quarreling about something, I did not really pay attention.
For you who know me well, you will know that I really hate disturbance. I hate people interfering me when I am really serious doing something.
I tried to concentrate although they were seriously noisy. Till finally my mom went upstairs and I could not hear her voice anymore. What a good thing! But then my sis came and kept scolding me for what I have never done before. She kept complaining on everything, shouting to me and setting those ugly expressions which then made my anger exploded. I was like, "what the hell are you talking about, I don't even know what you guys fight for, and now she's blaming me! Hell yah! And stop showing me your sullen face!"
Maybe I should control my emotion that time. But who would not be furious if you're doing something important (for me yea), but then someone interrupted you until you forgot all the things that you had arranged well in your head?!
The notes flew away and so did the lyric. Then, one two three... I scolded her back and the fight ruptured there.
My dad suddenly came. We were scolded again and of course I felt unhappy and upset. It's not my fault okay? Not even a single mistake had I done. Sucks.
I should not have been there while they were quarreling. I was too unlucky! Can you give me back my inspiration?! Hell ya!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Will I?
I was watching a korean drama when I suddenly thought about the future.
Hey, I am just wondering, where will I be in next 5-10 years? How will I be? Will I be able to reach my dream? Will I be able to make my parents happy? Will I be able to find my happiness? Will I be able?
Where did the spirit go, huh? Where did the enthusiasm go? Where did those happy feeling and expression go when I finally made it, I entered Monash with all my effort? Why they had to leave me?
If only I had that spirit...
I don't really understand why my brain have been so full of trashes this whole week. I kept thinking of everything. My future. My dream. My family. My life. Monash. Rico. And someone out there. Weird. my head felt like exploding soon.
Anyone can tell me where will the future bring me? How will I be in five years?
I don't know where I will be in five years. I just know that I won't be here. I will be there, somewhere, far far away, finding happiness, achieving my dream, doing something useful for people, making change, helping others directly or indirectly, and creating miracle.
It's ridiculous, though. Over-dramatic. But I just want it to be that way until finally I've done what I want to, then heading back to where I'm supposed to be to see the curve lining on their face.
Sorry for my nonsense writing. I just can't think clearly right now.
Hey, I am just wondering, where will I be in next 5-10 years? How will I be? Will I be able to reach my dream? Will I be able to make my parents happy? Will I be able to find my happiness? Will I be able?
Where did the spirit go, huh? Where did the enthusiasm go? Where did those happy feeling and expression go when I finally made it, I entered Monash with all my effort? Why they had to leave me?
If only I had that spirit...
I don't really understand why my brain have been so full of trashes this whole week. I kept thinking of everything. My future. My dream. My family. My life. Monash. Rico. And someone out there. Weird. my head felt like exploding soon.
Anyone can tell me where will the future bring me? How will I be in five years?
I don't know where I will be in five years. I just know that I won't be here. I will be there, somewhere, far far away, finding happiness, achieving my dream, doing something useful for people, making change, helping others directly or indirectly, and creating miracle.
It's ridiculous, though. Over-dramatic. But I just want it to be that way until finally I've done what I want to, then heading back to where I'm supposed to be to see the curve lining on their face.
Sorry for my nonsense writing. I just can't think clearly right now.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Kalau hidup itu adil...
This post may be a bit offensive, but please let me share my thought openly this time. And it's a very long post. Besides, I just want to remind myself when I re-read it in the future.
Hidup itu benar-benar nggak pernah adil. Berapa kali pun harus merenungkannya, aku selalu sampai pada kesimpulan kalau Life is never fair.
Some people may ask: life is not fair but, compared to what?
And I answered easily, "Compared to everything except death."
Itu nggak salah, kan? Mungkin setiap orang punya persepsi yang berbeda-beda tentang kehidupan. Bukannya aku nggak mau mendengar pendapat mereka, hanya aja aku yakin dengan pandanganku sendiri kalau hidup itu memang nggak pernah adil.
Kalau hidup adil, kenapa masih banyak masyarakat kalangan bawah yang menderita di luar sana, berkerja banting tulang demi sesuap nasi walau hasil akhirnya tetap saja nihil? Mereka nggak bisa mendapatkan apa yang mereka mau. Mereka hidup luntang-lantung di jalanan, berharap datangnya keajaiban.
Coba perhatikan, di bagian lain di suatu kota, di dalam sebuah mansion mahal yang kelihatan mewah. Seorang pejabat besar sedang angkat-angkat kaki, berleha-leha sambil berpangku tangan, sedangkan uang terus mengalir masuk ke dalam kantongnya, tanpa melakukan apapun. Maksudku, tanpa melakukan sesuatu yang benar-benar berarti dan berguna. Well, mungkin menurutnya dia udah bekerja keras dengan cara korupsi dan memoroti uang rakyat demi kepentingan keluarganya sendiri.
Intinya, apa yang seperti itu adil? Coba hubungkan secara perlahan. Masyarakat kalangan bawah yang mati-matian membanting tulang. Lalu di sisi kehidupan yang lain, ada seorang pejabat, salah, ada banyak orang kalangan atas yang makan dengan uang orang lain, bersenang-senang dengan kemewahan yang didapatkannya dengan cara kotor. Adilkah itu?
Kalau hidup memang adil, tolong tunjukkan padaku, dimana letak keadilannya? Mungkinkah cuma aku, orang buta yang nggak bisa melihat letak keadilannya? Atau sebenarnya hidup itu adil hanya aja orang-orang yang tinggal di dalamnya nggak bisa bersikap adil? Entahlah.
Ada lagi, jangan kaitkan masalah bencana alam dengan topik yang kubicarakan ini. Bencana alam nggak ada kaitannya. Banjir, longsor, tsunami, gempa bumi atau segala jenis fenomena-fenomena alam nggak ada hubungannya dengan adil atau nggaknya dunia. Bukan manusia yang mengontrol bencana alam. Tapi kalau masalah kehidupan, perjuangan dalam sesuap nasi, masalah harta gono gini, itu murni kesalahan manusia. Ada nggak manusia yang nggak suka uang? Yang nggak buta pada harta kekayaan, yang matanya nggak berubah warna ketika melihat uang? Menyedihkan memang, tapi kenyataannya bukan manusia yang mengendalikan dunia. Tapi dunia yang mengendalikan manusia. Memprihatikan, ya?
Another case, aku nggak pernah bilang kalau semua masyarakat kalangan atas hidup dari uang hasil korupsi, ya. Jangan salah paham. Kumohon.
Coba pikirkan kasus yang satu ini. Berapa banyak orang kaya raa yang masih rendah hati dan mau membagikan bagian kecil dari keberuntungannya untuk orang-orang yang kurang beruntung? Dan coba lihat lagi berapa banyak orang yang kehidupan ekonominya di atas rata-rata, tapi berlagak seolah mereka-lah pengusa dunia yang merasa berhak atas makhluk yang lebih lemah? BERAPA BANYAK?
Aku menemukan banyak sekali species makhluk seperti ini. Mereka kaya-raya, sangat kaya bahkan, punya beratus-ratus PT di luar sana, punya beribu-ribu karyawan yang hidup dari gaji pemberiannya, tapi sayangnya mereka punya lagak selangit, lupa akan Penciptanya, memamerkan harta kekayaannya pada seluruh makhluk di muka bumi, menganggap rendah orang lain dan menginjak-nginjak masyarakat kurang mampu. Seakan lupa daratan, mereka nggak pernah lagi mengenal kata syukur, asyik membual ke semua orang kalau mereka habis berkeliling dunia sambil menenteng emas batangan berton-ton beratnya dan pamer kalau mereka punya beratus-ratus jenis berlian dan batu safir langkah.
Aku bukannya merasa iri dengan jenis orang seperti itu. Aku justru merasa kasihan. Aku nggak sekaya mereka. Aku nggak punya emas batangan. Aku nggak pernah keliling dunia. Aku nggak pernah menyentuh berlian asli. Karena itu aku nggak punya sesuatu yang bisa dibualkan pada orang lain, jadi di sisi lain aku juga bersyukur aku nggak se-"bonjour" mereka.
Makanya sekali lagi kutekankan. Kalau hidup itu adil, kenapa masih ada orang yang berkerja keras banting tulang tapi tetap hidup melarat? Kalau hidup itu adil, kenapa para pejabat yang korupsi, merugikan rakyat, malah bisa menikmati kehidupan yang begitu mewah tanpa rasa bersalah sedikit pun? Kalau hidup itu adil, kenapa masih ada orang kaya raya yang lupa daratan dan nggak kenal bersyukur?
Jadi, kalau ada yang mengajukan pernyataan, Life is never fair, pertanyaannya bukannya compared to what, tapi, "WHY"?
Satu lagi, kalau ada pembohong keji atau koruptor yang bilang bahwa mereka berbuat curang dan keji (mereka nggak sadar mereka berbuat salah) masih aja ngotot dan keuh-keuh kalau mereka sedang melakukan yang terbaik, tanyakan pada mereka.
Terbaik untuk siapa?
Nah, untuk menjawab pertanyaan "why" di atas, aku udah menemukan jawabannya.
Life is never fair because of us, human beings. Humans are too greedy and too selfish. Manusia yang membuat semuanya jadi kacau balau. Manusia diberi otak dan perasaan untuk berpikir dan merasakan, tapi manusia nggak pernah memanfaatkannya dengan baik.
Karena itu aku harus ingat, kalau sesekali aku merasa hidup itu nggak adil, bukan Tuhan yang harus kusalahkan, tapi diriku sendiri.
Dan kalau suatu hari nanti aku sukses, aku kaya raya, aku hidup berkecukupan, ingatkan aku membaca ulang post ini. Tolong ingatkan aku, karena aku nggak mau jadi species orang yang kutulis di atas, yang lupa daratan, yang lupa arti bersyukur, yang merendahkan orang yang kurang beruntung.
Please remind me to read this if someday I lose my brain and forget everything about God.
Hidup itu benar-benar nggak pernah adil. Berapa kali pun harus merenungkannya, aku selalu sampai pada kesimpulan kalau Life is never fair.
Some people may ask: life is not fair but, compared to what?
And I answered easily, "Compared to everything except death."
Itu nggak salah, kan? Mungkin setiap orang punya persepsi yang berbeda-beda tentang kehidupan. Bukannya aku nggak mau mendengar pendapat mereka, hanya aja aku yakin dengan pandanganku sendiri kalau hidup itu memang nggak pernah adil.
Kalau hidup adil, kenapa masih banyak masyarakat kalangan bawah yang menderita di luar sana, berkerja banting tulang demi sesuap nasi walau hasil akhirnya tetap saja nihil? Mereka nggak bisa mendapatkan apa yang mereka mau. Mereka hidup luntang-lantung di jalanan, berharap datangnya keajaiban.
Coba perhatikan, di bagian lain di suatu kota, di dalam sebuah mansion mahal yang kelihatan mewah. Seorang pejabat besar sedang angkat-angkat kaki, berleha-leha sambil berpangku tangan, sedangkan uang terus mengalir masuk ke dalam kantongnya, tanpa melakukan apapun. Maksudku, tanpa melakukan sesuatu yang benar-benar berarti dan berguna. Well, mungkin menurutnya dia udah bekerja keras dengan cara korupsi dan memoroti uang rakyat demi kepentingan keluarganya sendiri.
Intinya, apa yang seperti itu adil? Coba hubungkan secara perlahan. Masyarakat kalangan bawah yang mati-matian membanting tulang. Lalu di sisi kehidupan yang lain, ada seorang pejabat, salah, ada banyak orang kalangan atas yang makan dengan uang orang lain, bersenang-senang dengan kemewahan yang didapatkannya dengan cara kotor. Adilkah itu?
Kalau hidup memang adil, tolong tunjukkan padaku, dimana letak keadilannya? Mungkinkah cuma aku, orang buta yang nggak bisa melihat letak keadilannya? Atau sebenarnya hidup itu adil hanya aja orang-orang yang tinggal di dalamnya nggak bisa bersikap adil? Entahlah.
Ada lagi, jangan kaitkan masalah bencana alam dengan topik yang kubicarakan ini. Bencana alam nggak ada kaitannya. Banjir, longsor, tsunami, gempa bumi atau segala jenis fenomena-fenomena alam nggak ada hubungannya dengan adil atau nggaknya dunia. Bukan manusia yang mengontrol bencana alam. Tapi kalau masalah kehidupan, perjuangan dalam sesuap nasi, masalah harta gono gini, itu murni kesalahan manusia. Ada nggak manusia yang nggak suka uang? Yang nggak buta pada harta kekayaan, yang matanya nggak berubah warna ketika melihat uang? Menyedihkan memang, tapi kenyataannya bukan manusia yang mengendalikan dunia. Tapi dunia yang mengendalikan manusia. Memprihatikan, ya?
Another case, aku nggak pernah bilang kalau semua masyarakat kalangan atas hidup dari uang hasil korupsi, ya. Jangan salah paham. Kumohon.
Coba pikirkan kasus yang satu ini. Berapa banyak orang kaya raa yang masih rendah hati dan mau membagikan bagian kecil dari keberuntungannya untuk orang-orang yang kurang beruntung? Dan coba lihat lagi berapa banyak orang yang kehidupan ekonominya di atas rata-rata, tapi berlagak seolah mereka-lah pengusa dunia yang merasa berhak atas makhluk yang lebih lemah? BERAPA BANYAK?
Aku menemukan banyak sekali species makhluk seperti ini. Mereka kaya-raya, sangat kaya bahkan, punya beratus-ratus PT di luar sana, punya beribu-ribu karyawan yang hidup dari gaji pemberiannya, tapi sayangnya mereka punya lagak selangit, lupa akan Penciptanya, memamerkan harta kekayaannya pada seluruh makhluk di muka bumi, menganggap rendah orang lain dan menginjak-nginjak masyarakat kurang mampu. Seakan lupa daratan, mereka nggak pernah lagi mengenal kata syukur, asyik membual ke semua orang kalau mereka habis berkeliling dunia sambil menenteng emas batangan berton-ton beratnya dan pamer kalau mereka punya beratus-ratus jenis berlian dan batu safir langkah.
Aku bukannya merasa iri dengan jenis orang seperti itu. Aku justru merasa kasihan. Aku nggak sekaya mereka. Aku nggak punya emas batangan. Aku nggak pernah keliling dunia. Aku nggak pernah menyentuh berlian asli. Karena itu aku nggak punya sesuatu yang bisa dibualkan pada orang lain, jadi di sisi lain aku juga bersyukur aku nggak se-"bonjour" mereka.
Makanya sekali lagi kutekankan. Kalau hidup itu adil, kenapa masih ada orang yang berkerja keras banting tulang tapi tetap hidup melarat? Kalau hidup itu adil, kenapa para pejabat yang korupsi, merugikan rakyat, malah bisa menikmati kehidupan yang begitu mewah tanpa rasa bersalah sedikit pun? Kalau hidup itu adil, kenapa masih ada orang kaya raya yang lupa daratan dan nggak kenal bersyukur?
Jadi, kalau ada yang mengajukan pernyataan, Life is never fair, pertanyaannya bukannya compared to what, tapi, "WHY"?
Satu lagi, kalau ada pembohong keji atau koruptor yang bilang bahwa mereka berbuat curang dan keji (mereka nggak sadar mereka berbuat salah) masih aja ngotot dan keuh-keuh kalau mereka sedang melakukan yang terbaik, tanyakan pada mereka.
Terbaik untuk siapa?
Nah, untuk menjawab pertanyaan "why" di atas, aku udah menemukan jawabannya.
Life is never fair because of us, human beings. Humans are too greedy and too selfish. Manusia yang membuat semuanya jadi kacau balau. Manusia diberi otak dan perasaan untuk berpikir dan merasakan, tapi manusia nggak pernah memanfaatkannya dengan baik.
Karena itu aku harus ingat, kalau sesekali aku merasa hidup itu nggak adil, bukan Tuhan yang harus kusalahkan, tapi diriku sendiri.
Dan kalau suatu hari nanti aku sukses, aku kaya raya, aku hidup berkecukupan, ingatkan aku membaca ulang post ini. Tolong ingatkan aku, karena aku nggak mau jadi species orang yang kutulis di atas, yang lupa daratan, yang lupa arti bersyukur, yang merendahkan orang yang kurang beruntung.
Please remind me to read this if someday I lose my brain and forget everything about God.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I have a dream... =D
Well, just to let you know. The title is not related to Westlife's song, or Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech. I just wanna talk about my dream =)
When I was little, I wanted to grow up faster and became a doctor. I just thought that being a doctor is totally cool. Wearing white coat, holding stethoscope, injecting people and curing diseases are all so fantastic!
Then I watched a Taiwan drama with my mother. I changed my mind. I wanted to be a business woman. Business woman is usually pretty and looks mature. Imagine yourself (if you are a girl), wearing those executive outfits (black-shiny-cool skirt), holding many important documents, attending important occasions and meeting important people. You look important and awesome! LOL
But as the time passed, I realized one thing. Being cool is not an appropriate reason for dreaming certain job. Dream is a hope or a wish for something in the future which we should live on. Dream is an obsession which can lead us to find our happiness.
And I finally found my dream, my ambition, my obsession, my wish, my hope, something I am willing to die for. I have been always dreaming to be a writer. Six years ago, it's the first time I wrote a short story for Bahasa Indonesia's assignment. I was surprised that I enjoyed the process while the whole class kept complaining on how could they write three pages long of A4 paper.
I wanted to write more and more. I created stories, I wrote novel. I read. I tried. I was really enthusiastic as if I found an interesting toy to play with. But yeah, as time passed, I found that it's not merely a toy. It's my dream. Being a writer is my dream. It's not only a blind obsession, since I know I have been falling in love with something called 'writing' for years.
Maybe you're right, my writings are nothing. They're all rubbish. No one ever appreciated it. That's why 2 years ago when I finally found my second dream in science, I could no longer insist on my biggest dream. I would have taken English Literature if the publisher had accepted my script (I sent my novel to one of Indonesia's big publisher), but I ended up in despair. They rejected it. Hence I decided to take Food Science.
I love Chemistry. I really love it, but still, I cannot say I love chemistry more than I love writing. Sometimes I really wish I could dream of another dream. I mean, not writing, because actually I know, this dream will never come true, no matter how hard I try. I am not talented, I just pretend to be.
I just want people to find 'something' from my writings. I want them to be meaningful, at least people will find them 'remarkable'.
Well uh, I dream too much, aren't I?
Then, I found what I really want to be through my tour guide in Japan, Watabe Yoshiko. She offered me an idea. "Work in Japan after you graduate. Learn Japanese. Maybe you can even continue your study."
I was like, "It's a good idea, how could I... never think about it?"
The next night, I kept thinking of her offer. I kept thinking of my dream. That night, everything was like rotating in my brain. My love of writing, of chemistry, of food and of languages. They kept spinning inside my retarded brain until suddenly I could see a light (it might sound like in dorama or in anime), but really, I saw the light was really bright. Once I felt it's too bright until I had to squint my eyes, so it would not be hurt or at least, I would not be blind because of the sudden glow.
I will continue writing and study science in the same time. I will do time management. After I graduate, I will go to Japan, work there, or if I am really good enough, I can be a translator there, but mostly I want to work in food section since I am taking food science.
Well, I found it. I found what I really want to be. The thing is...
Will I be able to reach it?
When I was little, I wanted to grow up faster and became a doctor. I just thought that being a doctor is totally cool. Wearing white coat, holding stethoscope, injecting people and curing diseases are all so fantastic!
Then I watched a Taiwan drama with my mother. I changed my mind. I wanted to be a business woman. Business woman is usually pretty and looks mature. Imagine yourself (if you are a girl), wearing those executive outfits (black-shiny-cool skirt), holding many important documents, attending important occasions and meeting important people. You look important and awesome! LOL
But as the time passed, I realized one thing. Being cool is not an appropriate reason for dreaming certain job. Dream is a hope or a wish for something in the future which we should live on. Dream is an obsession which can lead us to find our happiness.
And I finally found my dream, my ambition, my obsession, my wish, my hope, something I am willing to die for. I have been always dreaming to be a writer. Six years ago, it's the first time I wrote a short story for Bahasa Indonesia's assignment. I was surprised that I enjoyed the process while the whole class kept complaining on how could they write three pages long of A4 paper.
I wanted to write more and more. I created stories, I wrote novel. I read. I tried. I was really enthusiastic as if I found an interesting toy to play with. But yeah, as time passed, I found that it's not merely a toy. It's my dream. Being a writer is my dream. It's not only a blind obsession, since I know I have been falling in love with something called 'writing' for years.
Maybe you're right, my writings are nothing. They're all rubbish. No one ever appreciated it. That's why 2 years ago when I finally found my second dream in science, I could no longer insist on my biggest dream. I would have taken English Literature if the publisher had accepted my script (I sent my novel to one of Indonesia's big publisher), but I ended up in despair. They rejected it. Hence I decided to take Food Science.
I love Chemistry. I really love it, but still, I cannot say I love chemistry more than I love writing. Sometimes I really wish I could dream of another dream. I mean, not writing, because actually I know, this dream will never come true, no matter how hard I try. I am not talented, I just pretend to be.
I just want people to find 'something' from my writings. I want them to be meaningful, at least people will find them 'remarkable'.
Well uh, I dream too much, aren't I?
Then, I found what I really want to be through my tour guide in Japan, Watabe Yoshiko. She offered me an idea. "Work in Japan after you graduate. Learn Japanese. Maybe you can even continue your study."
I was like, "It's a good idea, how could I... never think about it?"
The next night, I kept thinking of her offer. I kept thinking of my dream. That night, everything was like rotating in my brain. My love of writing, of chemistry, of food and of languages. They kept spinning inside my retarded brain until suddenly I could see a light (it might sound like in dorama or in anime), but really, I saw the light was really bright. Once I felt it's too bright until I had to squint my eyes, so it would not be hurt or at least, I would not be blind because of the sudden glow.
I will continue writing and study science in the same time. I will do time management. After I graduate, I will go to Japan, work there, or if I am really good enough, I can be a translator there, but mostly I want to work in food section since I am taking food science.
Well, I found it. I found what I really want to be. The thing is...
Will I be able to reach it?
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The best experience EVER!
Hey, I met new friends in the trip to Japan. I'm glad to know them. I never know that making friends is really fun. This trip would be the best experience ever in my life time, since it was the first time I went for a tour, far far away, without my parents coming along with me. I learned many things and I found my dream there. I found what I really want to be in the future =D
Talking about the trip, it's a short trip actually. We spent 2 days in KL, only 6 days in Japan and a day in airplane. It's an exhausting trip. We were lack of sleep.
Oh ya, I remembered 1 sentence, the first sentence on the first day I arrived in Osaka. I asked the girl who was selling tickets that time, "Otearai wa doko desu ka?" (Where is toilet?)
She answered, "Maasugu itte, tsugi, hidari." (go straight and turn left)
I was astonished that I could understand what she said and I could speak Japanese quite fluent. Shocking. Of course. I could not believe myself that time. But it sure increased my confidence level. I wanted to say more and more. I wanted to practice my Japanese, what I've been learning for one year. It's not useless, I could communicate well, although sometimes I did not really understand what they were saying. But I felt satisfied, indeed.
I was truly happy when my tour guide, Watabe Yoshiko, told me that my Japanese was not bad. It's very good, she said. She advised me to practice more and work in Japan after I graduate. Well, I was tempted by her offer. I kept thinking about it the next night. Haha.
Oh ya. Next, we went to a temple (great, I forgot the name of the temple because we went to too many temple!), the tenple was well-known for its holy water (or whatever it was called), and for its mate's rock (you may laugh if you want). Therefore, my tour guide asked me and my sister to try our luck by walking from one mate's rock to another mate's rock. We must close our eyes. If we could touch the rock, it means we would find our soulmate in the near future. I did not really trust it until I tried and... HAHAHA
I REACHED IT! Seriously I reached it with my eyes closed. I was not cheating. After hitting the rock with my leg, I opened my leg and found that some Japanese guys clapped their hands for me. According to Watabe Yoshiko, it's very rare that someone could reach the rock, even my sister, she passed through the rock, she could not touch it. HAHA. I felt so lucky. Now I keep wondering, who is my soul mate, huh? It might sound stupid, but I could not stop smiling because of it. LOL XD
I think I talked too much, no? Hmm... This post may be a bit boring. Well yah, here I post the pictures. =D
The first picture in Japan. It's at Universal Studio Osaka.
Eat Ramen (New year's eve) with my sis and two new friends. We named ourselves "Telletubies" (sorry I forgot how to spell it). By the way, the uncle who sold the "ramen" is quite handsome >.<
Tokyo Tower at night. Look how beautiful it was.
Took picture with Popoye. The one wearing red jacket is my friend, Felita.
Reminiscing the future. LOL XD
Me and sis together.
Japanese food. But actually it's not really as nice as it looked =P
Mount Fuji =D
Kotatsu. A table with heater under it.
I am too lazy to upload more photos since the internet connection here is depressing. Too slow, makes me want to destroy my sister's laptop. I upload it using her laptop. LOL XD
Jya ne
Oyasuminasai minna
Talking about the trip, it's a short trip actually. We spent 2 days in KL, only 6 days in Japan and a day in airplane. It's an exhausting trip. We were lack of sleep.
Oh ya, I remembered 1 sentence, the first sentence on the first day I arrived in Osaka. I asked the girl who was selling tickets that time, "Otearai wa doko desu ka?" (Where is toilet?)
She answered, "Maasugu itte, tsugi, hidari." (go straight and turn left)
I was astonished that I could understand what she said and I could speak Japanese quite fluent. Shocking. Of course. I could not believe myself that time. But it sure increased my confidence level. I wanted to say more and more. I wanted to practice my Japanese, what I've been learning for one year. It's not useless, I could communicate well, although sometimes I did not really understand what they were saying. But I felt satisfied, indeed.
I was truly happy when my tour guide, Watabe Yoshiko, told me that my Japanese was not bad. It's very good, she said. She advised me to practice more and work in Japan after I graduate. Well, I was tempted by her offer. I kept thinking about it the next night. Haha.
Oh ya. Next, we went to a temple (great, I forgot the name of the temple because we went to too many temple!), the tenple was well-known for its holy water (or whatever it was called), and for its mate's rock (you may laugh if you want). Therefore, my tour guide asked me and my sister to try our luck by walking from one mate's rock to another mate's rock. We must close our eyes. If we could touch the rock, it means we would find our soulmate in the near future. I did not really trust it until I tried and... HAHAHA
I REACHED IT! Seriously I reached it with my eyes closed. I was not cheating. After hitting the rock with my leg, I opened my leg and found that some Japanese guys clapped their hands for me. According to Watabe Yoshiko, it's very rare that someone could reach the rock, even my sister, she passed through the rock, she could not touch it. HAHA. I felt so lucky. Now I keep wondering, who is my soul mate, huh? It might sound stupid, but I could not stop smiling because of it. LOL XD
I think I talked too much, no? Hmm... This post may be a bit boring. Well yah, here I post the pictures. =D
The first picture in Japan. It's at Universal Studio Osaka.
Eat Ramen (New year's eve) with my sis and two new friends. We named ourselves "Telletubies" (sorry I forgot how to spell it). By the way, the uncle who sold the "ramen" is quite handsome >.<
Tokyo Tower at night. Look how beautiful it was.
Took picture with Popoye. The one wearing red jacket is my friend, Felita.
Reminiscing the future. LOL XD
Me and sis together.
Japanese food. But actually it's not really as nice as it looked =P
Mount Fuji =D
Kotatsu. A table with heater under it.
I am too lazy to upload more photos since the internet connection here is depressing. Too slow, makes me want to destroy my sister's laptop. I upload it using her laptop. LOL XD
Jya ne
Oyasuminasai minna
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Back to the reality
Ohisashiburi Minna,
I just came back from Japan last night, 11 pm almost mid night. And I reached home around 1 am. It's truly exhausting. Seriously. But yeah, the trip actually was fun =D
I spent my christmas in the airplane and new year in Tokyo (in one temple which I forgot the name already). Nothing special for new year. No fireworks. No BBQ. No songs. The only special thing is that the new year was in Japan. We almost died in the temple though (My sister, I, and our two new friends). It was too crowded there, until I felt like the temple was going to explode soon and once I regretted had been going to the temple to celebrate new year.
I was literally happy because God gave me chance to experience Japan. Going there is one of my biggest dreams since long time ago. How I feel grateful, since I know not all people could be as lucky as me and my sister.
Well, I felt so sad that I left Japan too fast, because I like being there. Japan is awesome. I seriously cannot find suitable vocabularies to describe how wonderful it was. And it will be the most precious memory that I should cherish. I learn many new things from Japan. I bring stories, experiences, new Japanese vocabularies, courage and humility. I must thank a person who I hated the most during the trip. I know for sure that being bossy, arrogant and too proud would be easily hated by others. Although you are a nobleman, you should still appreciate others. And I am sorry for hating you because I know it's useless. Otherwise, I can only tire myself by holding back the stupid anger to someone who is not even worth to receive it.
How I wish you could learn from your experience. No one liked you because of your conceit and vanity. What a pity. Try to be humble a bit, big mouth, unless you'll be hated by everyone.
Being with that kind of person all the time is kinda of torture. I feel so happy that finally I would never see that person again. The trip was over. I am back to the reality. No fairytale. No evil mother. LOL XD
By the way, I am too lazy to post my pics now. Sure, will share it in next post. Of course, I will share my experiences there, as long as you're not getting too bored when reading the post. Jya ne minna
Dare mo ga subarashii
Everyone is wonderful! =D
I just came back from Japan last night, 11 pm almost mid night. And I reached home around 1 am. It's truly exhausting. Seriously. But yeah, the trip actually was fun =D
I spent my christmas in the airplane and new year in Tokyo (in one temple which I forgot the name already). Nothing special for new year. No fireworks. No BBQ. No songs. The only special thing is that the new year was in Japan. We almost died in the temple though (My sister, I, and our two new friends). It was too crowded there, until I felt like the temple was going to explode soon and once I regretted had been going to the temple to celebrate new year.
I was literally happy because God gave me chance to experience Japan. Going there is one of my biggest dreams since long time ago. How I feel grateful, since I know not all people could be as lucky as me and my sister.
Well, I felt so sad that I left Japan too fast, because I like being there. Japan is awesome. I seriously cannot find suitable vocabularies to describe how wonderful it was. And it will be the most precious memory that I should cherish. I learn many new things from Japan. I bring stories, experiences, new Japanese vocabularies, courage and humility. I must thank a person who I hated the most during the trip. I know for sure that being bossy, arrogant and too proud would be easily hated by others. Although you are a nobleman, you should still appreciate others. And I am sorry for hating you because I know it's useless. Otherwise, I can only tire myself by holding back the stupid anger to someone who is not even worth to receive it.
How I wish you could learn from your experience. No one liked you because of your conceit and vanity. What a pity. Try to be humble a bit, big mouth, unless you'll be hated by everyone.
Being with that kind of person all the time is kinda of torture. I feel so happy that finally I would never see that person again. The trip was over. I am back to the reality. No fairytale. No evil mother. LOL XD
By the way, I am too lazy to post my pics now. Sure, will share it in next post. Of course, I will share my experiences there, as long as you're not getting too bored when reading the post. Jya ne minna
Dare mo ga subarashii
Everyone is wonderful! =D
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