Wednesday, April 20, 2011


NB: This is just a random emo post of mine. Just ignore it.

Starring at those pictures,
reminds me with those bitter-sweet memories
the past that has been faded away
as the time passed too fast
When I started to realize
I know I just can't turn back even if I really wish to
I know I just can't get it back even if I really hope so

Hiding a lie, faking a smile,
swallowing the pride and breaking the heart
Hopping for the unreal miracle to come
Wishing for something irreversible to be back
Was it what I really wonder to do?
No, I kept trying my best but I never succeeded
I was about giving up but I still could see the hope
I was crying, till no more tears left
Yet, it still seemed to be so far away

Sometimes I felt I was not giving enough
or maybe I was taking too much
Sometimes I felt the time is unlimited
so I lived someone else's life

Time... I understand that it's free
but it's priceless
I can't keep it, I only can spend it
However, once I've lost it, I know I can never get it back.
And when I can't turn back, I will regret everything in my entire life
Nope, I am not regretting about the things I've done in the past
But I am regretting about the things I haven't even done yet

Wasting the chances, and still wishing for another one
Although I know I was the thief of my own chances



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