I am not sure since when exactly you've been the one I always think of when I am about to sleep, and the first person I remember when I wake up in the early morning.
I don't know since when I keep mentioning your name in my prayer every night. And I don't have any idea since when you've been the one I dream of both day and night.
It's always been you, you and you. The same case happens to you too, no? :)
The journey we'll be traveling, the path we'll be walking and the difficulty we'll be facing won't be so easy. But God knows the best for us. Just surrender everything to Him. I just hope that we can be together until the very end :)
PS: I am officially missing you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
"Lucky~ by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat"
Beautiful melodies. Nice voices, fit each other's perfectly. Sweet lyrics. Too meaningful. This is the best song to describe everything :)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Eventually, I chose to trust. I considered it carefully and seriously until it came to no doubt at all. It was a big decision though. One of the biggest that I've ever made.
I'm happy. No reason. I'm just happy with my own decision :)
I'm happy. No reason. I'm just happy with my own decision :)
Friday, November 11, 2011
I was speechless, literally. I did not know what to do and what to say. It was just so sudden and I never expected that it would happen. Well, I got a feeling about it before, but I really never expected that it would turn into something like this.
Maybe I just need time too think.
Quietly. Carefully. Or else I'm gonna regret it in the future.
Maybe I just need time too think.
Quietly. Carefully. Or else I'm gonna regret it in the future.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Be wise
"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of whether success or failure in the mind of another"
-Napoleon Hill-
Well, this post may sound quite offensive, so if you're not ready to read it, please close the window and come back again when you're ready.
Actually this post is based on my opinion merely about the power of words. Words are so powerful that most of the time they reflect our personalities. I know I'm just such a fool who doesn't even have any right to give any advice. But well, I'm just feeling so sad seeing those youngsters nowadays. Not all, but mostly, okay maybe it sounds rude, but yea most of them really don't know when they have to shut their mouths up. I am not sure whether they're just bunch of idiots who do not know the meaning of the words they utter and they thought those words are indeed cool or they do know the consequences but they still insist on using those words. I don't know. And I don't have any interest in seeking for the answers.
People judge others by the words they utter, the way they talk and their tones of speaking. You don't have to be a psychologist to know these kinds of stuff. Basically, although I know I shouldn't, but I do judge people by the way they talk to me, their tones, their body languages and the most importantly is the choice of words they're using. I do care of those. The ones who can impress me are usually speaking without rant but smart wordings. Just being honest, you don't want to befriend with those who speak rude words, do you?
So this is what actually happened. No offense but I know a high school girl, most probably she will be 16 years old this year (I'm not sure), who always updates her facebook's status with those kinds of words (I'm sorry, it's like f*ck, b*tch, sl*t and many other "word of wisdom"s). Every single status. Almost everyday.
Shocked. Of course. Who wouldn't be so shocked seeing a young high school girl using those words? I mean, those words are just not appropriate for a girl like her (I never say it's suitable for guys though). I just don't get it, what's actually inside young people's head nowadays. I can't get it. Really. Did they just get hit at their heads hence it made them suffer from permanent head damage and think abnormally? Or do they think that those words sound great?
Just stop kidding me. Those words ain't cool.
Young girl, if you're reading this, please, I'm not insulting you. I just want to remind you, it's because I care of you, that you should at least reduce the frequencies of using those words. You don't want people to judge you as "bad" girl, do you? Trust me, once you utter those words, it gives kind of impression to other people. Bad impression of course. Nothing's cool with those words. Just stop.
Please. I beg you.
You may hurt people with words. You can stroke people with them. You limit your words. To save or to kill?
You decide. Be wise.
"A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword"
-Robert Burton-
PS : I never mean to offend anybody here. My apology, if I did.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Praise the Lord I am still alive up until now. I thought I'm gonna be "dead-meat" because of these three consecutive exams in three days respectively which have been successfully ruining my healthy lifestyle. Anyway, I feel so grateful that I could do the third paper quite well (not as worse as the other two). So I think it's time for me to feed myself with nice foods and have a nice sleep! :) Or should I watch movie? Since I almost forgot when the last time I watched movie. Hmm...
Okay, the last exam will be on 10th of November, Spectroscopy and Analytical Chemistry. I worry about this exam, since I was not really paying attention during the lectures (even though I tried to listen, it felt so useless since I couldn't even understand a thing). So yea, I need extra effort to revise the whole thing. Luckily, Electrochemistry and Mass Spec topics won't be coming out during this final, since we've done those in mid semester test (which was really hard! I only got 25.5 out of 50!!) :( And if they're still included, I think I will stop studying and just bang my head to the wall. Again and again. Luckily, nope.
But I believe, I just need to lean on God. I will try my best and keep praying because I know He listens to every prayer. And nothing's impossible with Him. I just need to put my trust in Him and surrender. Everything will be just beautiful at the end :)
Well, so far I feel so proud of myself. I just knew that I have such a good time management. I managed to finish 6 assignments in one week and revise three subjects in less than two weeks even though okay you know, I feel kind of lifeless lately. Therefore, I'd like to reward myself with nice foods :D
Okay, actually I can't wait till 10 November, right after my exam I plan to do "drama-marathon" from morning till night. I have a loooooonggg list of drama that I really want to watch since months ago. Monash is just so cruel. I didn't have time to watch drama since the laboratory sessions started.
By the way, my mom will come after my exam and we plan to travel to Singapore. Eating good foods, shopping, having fun... ooh, I can't wait I really can't wait!!!! :D
I miss my mom so much. I hope I could go back to my hometown, but my summer class starts too early on 16 November (FYI, it's 12 weeks! So I don't get it, what's the point of taking "summer" course?).
Okay, stop complaining. I'm the one who decides to apply for this subject anyway.
So yea, my third semester will end soon. Time passes incredibly fast. I'm 18 years old now, and will be a semester-four student soon :)
And I'm still wondering where I should work during my summer holiday. Just hoping that someone wants to employ me :P
Jya ne~
Okay, the last exam will be on 10th of November, Spectroscopy and Analytical Chemistry. I worry about this exam, since I was not really paying attention during the lectures (even though I tried to listen, it felt so useless since I couldn't even understand a thing). So yea, I need extra effort to revise the whole thing. Luckily, Electrochemistry and Mass Spec topics won't be coming out during this final, since we've done those in mid semester test (which was really hard! I only got 25.5 out of 50!!) :( And if they're still included, I think I will stop studying and just bang my head to the wall. Again and again. Luckily, nope.
But I believe, I just need to lean on God. I will try my best and keep praying because I know He listens to every prayer. And nothing's impossible with Him. I just need to put my trust in Him and surrender. Everything will be just beautiful at the end :)
Well, so far I feel so proud of myself. I just knew that I have such a good time management. I managed to finish 6 assignments in one week and revise three subjects in less than two weeks even though okay you know, I feel kind of lifeless lately. Therefore, I'd like to reward myself with nice foods :D
Okay, actually I can't wait till 10 November, right after my exam I plan to do "drama-marathon" from morning till night. I have a loooooonggg list of drama that I really want to watch since months ago. Monash is just so cruel. I didn't have time to watch drama since the laboratory sessions started.
By the way, my mom will come after my exam and we plan to travel to Singapore. Eating good foods, shopping, having fun... ooh, I can't wait I really can't wait!!!! :D
I miss my mom so much. I hope I could go back to my hometown, but my summer class starts too early on 16 November (FYI, it's 12 weeks! So I don't get it, what's the point of taking "summer" course?).
Okay, stop complaining. I'm the one who decides to apply for this subject anyway.
So yea, my third semester will end soon. Time passes incredibly fast. I'm 18 years old now, and will be a semester-four student soon :)
And I'm still wondering where I should work during my summer holiday. Just hoping that someone wants to employ me :P
Jya ne~
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