Monday, November 4, 2013


Before the title of this writing freaks you out, let me explain why I decided to write about this. So yea, recently I have been reading and reminiscing lotsa things about relationship (this topic is so happening in my church right now, and I don't understand why intentionally or unintentionally I have been reading many articles regarding this). And the most significant thing that made me realize how beautiful it is to be in a right relationship was after watching a wedding video of my friends who just got married few days ago. Well, I am not sure whether this reason could be valid, but yea, at least I've tried to find reasons why my mind is so busy thinking about these stuffs lately.

Well, talking about the wedding video, when I watched it I was feeling so happy and envious at the same time. I could not find any vocabulary that could describe how beautiful the wedding was. They looked happy, literally. And it was a kind of happiness with no flaw at all. You just couldn't stop smiling when you saw both of them, and at times you found yourself teary. I am just amazed how a wedding could make me feel so blessed although I was only watching it from a video. Just like a ring that fits your ring finger, I believe that God will send someone compatible with you, makes you realize why it never worked out with somebody else.

Let's think about getting into a  relationship. I never mean to lecture anybody here, so no offense. Most of you think that you should TRY to be in relationship first to know whether it would work or not at the end. And most of you think that once you like or love someone, you should TRY to be in the relationship with that person. But there is one thing I would like to tell, although you love a person so much until you think that you are willing to move a mountain or split the ocean just for her/him (I had been in this state before, not to brag), the feeling merely is not enough for a relationship, especially marriage. Feeling gets rusted as time passes by. What keeps people moving in their relationship is the foundation and commitment they built. You shouldn't TRY to be in relationship to know whether it's going to work or not. You should have known it would work if you want to be in relationship. Well, do you all get what I mean here? So again, BE in relationship once you know that it's going to work. Be in relationship once you know you're gonna make it till the end. Well, it sounds like I am selling clothes in the market but yea, "NO TRYING ALLOWED" when you're in relationship. All you have to do here is making effort to survive your relationship till the end, because it is not only talking about feeling, but also sacrifice and humbleness that count.

You should know that going out with someone with different principle and vision would never work for you because you just know you're not going to see him/her in your future either. So again, if you're currently in relationship, but you can't draw an image of you and her/him in your future, I see no reason of you continuing your relationship then. Relationship is not only for a short period of time. It is a life time moment. Respect and appreciate it.

Marriage is a REAL HUGE decision that you've ever made in your life. No turning back at all. No regret is allowed since God never favors divorce. Marriage only knows sacrifice and does not recognize selfishness. When you marry a person, you marry the whole family. It means you're ready for obstacles. Like it or not, you have to be ready to build new family and let go of your egos. You have to think about "giving" not "getting". This is the state where the maximum level of humbleness is required. Well, a lot of thinking to do before getting into one serious relationship huh?

Bear in mind, don't waste your time for games. We play no game in relationship. And I believe, all of us deserve the most beautiful relationship and marriage later on in the future (for those who is single of course), so don't worry and don't be envious. Live your life to its fullest. Don't get into relationship just because you're lonely. Be in relationship when you're ready and mature enough :)


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